Ah, Normalcy

The site performance must be back closer to normal. The spam comments have resumed. Ah well, at least I can access the controls to kill them.

Thanks for your patience, everyone. I’m still considering other options for the future, but for now it’s good to have things up an running.

And remember that Crowded House song I was talking about before? The video is available online thanks to an Australian newspaper.


  1. Ping from Robn:

    I’ve been lax on the commenting because, yeah, it’s been sorta slow here! There have been days when I’ve tried to load your site and it’s taken 3-5 minutes to load, which is like 1991 or something! It is a bit speedier now, but I’ve meant to mention the occasional slowness in case you didn’t know about it.

    Glad things are working more or less now! 🙂

  2. Ping from Dave Thomer:

    At least you got it to load, which is more than I was able to do some days!

    Yeah, things are running more smoothly now. Which means I gotta start thinking of more things to say.