Shaking the Rust Off

OK, I swear, I am going to get back into the daily blogging habit again. It’s amazing how easy it is to fall off the wagon. Lately I’ve spent long periods of time staring at the screen, and about the only thing popping out of my head is:

I’m tired.
I’m tired.
Boy, I could use a nap right now.
Yep, still tired.

And I don’t think people need to read about that all the time. 🙂 Seriously, I’m getting into the swing of taking my daughter to kindergarten every day, which I have to say I enjoy even if it does involve scenes of frantic-guy-with-kid-piggybacking-on-shoulders-running-up-the-street-to-catch-a-bus once a week or so. So far, no late slips, so mission accomplished. Now I just need to carve a little more writing time into the schedule. Here we go!


  1. Ping from Earl Green:

    Make ya a deal – as soon as I can shake the cobwebs outta my head from the 3am diaper changes and feedings, I’ll say something coherent in response.

  2. Ping from Dave Thomer:

    Yeah, the thought has occurred to me that I have a five year head start in accumulating and shaking off said cobwebs. 🙂

    This blog post was a serious case of tempting fate, let me tell you. The next morning, the bus we usually take was early, so I got to see that go part the bus stop while we were half a block away. So we commenced with the piggyback up the street to Bus Stop #2 – carrying this month’s contribution to the classroom snacks and supplies stash – only to find that the backup bus was running late. It finally came, we hopped off at school and ran into the yard, and got kiddo in line just as her class started moving.

    Dave 15 – Late Slips 0. Darnit, I’m goin’ for the shutout if it kills me.