So Long As We Get the Words Right…

Thousands of dead soldiers and Iraqi civilians, billions of dollars in war debt, no clear exit strategy and no clear indication that we have done anything but further destabilize the region…but let’s quibble over words, shall we?


  1. Ping from Dave Thomer:

    I think I’m more frightened of the little bit from the end of the article, where Rumsfeld was like, “Well, they wouldn’t necessarily have to stop the torture, now would they?”

    Didn’t we go through this rigamarole with the whole “War on Terror” vs “Struggle Against Violent Extremism” thing a few months back?

  2. Ping from Earl Green:

    All I can really think of here is that this is comedy gold from the same people who refused to let it die when the last guy appeared to be dancing around the definition of sex.

  3. Ping from Pattie Gillett:

    Earl, you are too right! Ah, those were the days…

  4. Ping from Earl Green:

    Yeah, those were the days when the word whose meaning was being debated wasn’t exactly, well, killing anyone.