Political Podcasting, Poverty and Pollution

I decided to take a break from my CD listening project to check out the growing arena of political podcasting. It’s an interesting medium, although I’m not sure it really clicks with me. I’m not great at getting information purely from speech – I need the visual engagement that comes from seeing and exchanging gestures, expressions, and so on. And when it’s something heavy like a policy issue, it’s that much harder to keep the focus going. That said, if you’re more of a sound person than I am, these podcasts can be a good chance to see what ideas are percolating behind the major news coverage. Today I listened to:

  • John Edwards at his One America Committee site, discussing his proposal that America set a Project-Apollo-like goal to eradicate poverty within America in the next 30 years. I like that Edwards is talking about the importance of the big idea, I like his hammering on the economic obstacles that help exacerbate so many of our other problems, and I like that he really seems to have committed himself to this theme over the last two or three years. You can see a brief video message that Edwards recorded for members of his online community, you can hear the speech he gave to the National Press Club, and you can read the prepared version of the speech. One thing I found remarkable is that in the video message, Edwards seemed almost unprepared – a lot of pauses and “um”s. Then, if you listen to the speech and follow along with the prepared text, you can see how he keeps to the structure but occasionally reshuffles lines on the fly or makes the text more conversational, and barely misses a beat when doing so.
  • Wesley Clark at his Securing America site discussing global warming in the first of a series of podcasts on the topic. I found it interesting the way that Clark brought global warming out of its normal environmental context and urged that we think of it as a national security issue. It’s not really surprising, since Clark is trying to establish himself as one of the Democratic leaders on national security, but I do find it encouraging that he’s not thinking of “national security” in the narrow way it’s often portrayed. And Clark has a good point – if global warming does have the kind of environmental impact that a lot of scientists think it could, then there’s going to be a lot of upheaval that’s going to pose challenges for any country trying to be a world leader.

It’s probably no coincidence that both Edwards and Clark are at least thinking of making a run for the 2008 presidential nomination. And y’know, if the way that they want to do so is by carving out solid niches on vital issues and mobilizing voters to take action on them, more power to ’em. Once the midterm elections are over, 2007 is going to be an interesting year in national politics.


  1. Ping from zeitgeistrover:

    Hi there,
    I am a big Edwards supporter so I thought I would introduce you to an invaluable source to learn more about Edwards through your preferred medium: the visual mode. I have uploaded videos of some of Edwards’ speeches at YouTube.com, including the one that you listened to. If you would like to watch him give the speech, follow this link:


    There are 7 videos from the event. 1 intro, 4 clips of the speech, and then 2 Q&A clips. I would highly recommend watching the two clips that have the question and answer session after the speech because those are not available on the Senator’s website, and he is impressive and forthright while answering the press’ questions.

    Lastly, I thought I’d share that Bob Herbert of the Times reported that Edwards wrote the speech himself… I guess that is why he moved around it so easily, because he was voicing his own thoughts. He wrote the Two Americas speech himself too, and I like these speechwriting fact about him 🙂

    And, oh yeah, Edwards was on Real Time with Bill Maher and he too emphasized that environmental issues are also issues of national security… you’ll find that clip at the above address too… alright, have fun!

  2. Ping from Dave Thomer:

    Thanks for the comment, zeitgeistrover. I’ll check out the clips. I noticed your ID mentioned in a couple of articles on YouTube and politics. It’s going to be interesting seeing what new online tools develop in the next couple of years. And I do hope Edwards makes a run. It’d be good to have his voice in the mix, plus it would mean that his wife is healthy enough for them to hit the campaign trail.