Tumbling Down
So, I said to myself, Dave, you have way too much free time. Why don’t you start exploring a new social network?
Dave, I replied, that’s a terrific idea. Let me open a Tumblr account now!
What I have found so far is that while Twitter is very good at giving me a feed of links to interesting stuff to read, it’s not super-great at visuals. And Facebook provides info and a way to get at image galleries, but I’m not crazy about the layout. Tumblr hits a sweet spot of combining text and images in a way that I can get good chunks of information just by looking at my feed, and then also have links to follow for more in-depth reading.
So far, this is largely taking the form of interesting GIF, such as:
Motivational Biden: Combining fun pictures of the vice president with a healthy dose of affirmation.
Working at a Nonprofit: Some very skilled humorous caption writers.
Dan Wilson Sketchbook: The guy who wrote Closing Time and songs with the Dixie Chicks and Adele can also draw. Way to make the rest of us look bad.
Wired also has a pretty good tumblr too.
I gotta think there are comics artists using Tumblr as well, but I haven’t spent the time to look. One of these days.