Lesson Plan in Progress: Alliances and World War I

In my ongoing effort to find new ways to help my students work through and think through issues, I tried to design a simulation that would give them a rough idea of how the alliance system helped lead into World War I. It still needs some work, and I would definitely do some revisions before I tried it next year. But here’s what I came up with – the link goes to the Word document I have in my class’s Google Docs collection.

Alliance System and World War I

I need to tweak the allotted forces, and possibly do some more research to make them more historically accurate. I need better rules for handling multiple conflicts. The first two classes I did this with created very complicated four- and five-way alliances where the partners didn’t know who else was in their alliance, so after that I printed up blank Treaty forms and made every pair sign a form before they were considered allies.

What I really need to do is spend some time studying game design so I can write better simulation rules. 🙂

But I think at the end of this a lot of the students understood why nations formed alliances for protection, and how that could backfire. Hopefully they’ll keep that idea with them when they study the war again some day.


  1. Ping from Mike Kaechele:

    Check out this site with an alliance simulation already developed http://www.asn.am/fof2010/fof.php

  2. Ping from David Harms:

    This is a simulation I developed, and you can read what the kids get out of it from their journals I posted.If nothing else, it may give you some ideas.