Red Star on the Silver Screen?
I feel like blogging some good news tonight. Universal Studios has optioned The Red Star. There aren’t many details i nthat article, and it mostly focuses on the Russian director that is developing the film, but this is great news for Christian Gossett and the folks at Archangel Studios. Not only is it a nifty bit of validation, I have a sneaking suspicion that this option is helping to finance the comics projects that Goss has been dropping hints about on his blog. And believe you me, more Red Star comics is very very good news indeed.
Tuesday, February 21st 2006 at 1:06 am |
I’m glad Goss has gotten to claim an Exec Producer seat on the movie. (Not that this guarantees anyone will listen to him, of course, depending on how his deal was structured – he could wind up being like Roddenberry during the last five original cast Star Trek movies: he can write copious notes which absolutely no one is required to act upon.)
I’ll spare you my further thoughts, focused as they are on thoughts of licensed toys.
Tuesday, February 28th 2006 at 4:19 pm |
I can only imagine the special effects it will take to bring The Red Star to life.
Tuesday, February 28th 2006 at 10:11 pm |
I almost think it’ll be easier to pull off the effects in a movie than in a comic. Because at least in the movies people are used to working with special effects and lots of digital artists and compositing. Goss and company practically had to invent all that from scratch for the comic.
But yeah, I sure do hope they get the look right.