Archive for November 16th, 2005

All-Star Superman Lives Up to Name

Posted November 16, 2005 By Dave Thomer

So I just read Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely’s All-Star Superman #1. I definitely liked it enough to follow the series, but it wasn’t quite what I expected. (In my opinion, it could be better than what I expected. So no complaints there.)

Spoilers on the inside. Read the remainder of this entry »

Bigger Brains for Buddhists?

Posted November 16, 2005 By Dave Thomer

Neat story I found floating around the web, best explained in this column from the Hartford Courant. A recent study suggests that a form of Buddhist meditation actually increases brain size in several key areas, and may improve meditators’ attention and decrease age-related brain loss. This may be something I have to try for myself. If I can remember this story long enough to do anything about it.

Which Reform First?

Posted November 16, 2005 By Dave Thomer

Via Blinq, one of the blogs at the Inquirer, I just discovered Young Philly Politics, a group blog that seems to be mostly devoted to local issues. There’s a lot of really good discussion there, including a post by Ben Waxman called Why Blogs Matter that turned into a conversation about the priorities reformers should have, as well as the conflict and compatibility between issues of good-government reform (currently huge in Philly) and issues of economic justice (currently not quite so huge, but always simmering in the background).

Hmm. I wonder what the cutoff for “Young” is . . .